looking to buy a home?
Submit this Form and Benefit from our 25 Years' Experience & Strong Local Network.Realista’s services stretch beyond finding the ideal property for you. Once the deal is agreed and confirmed on the purchase of your chosen property, we continue to oversee the entire process. This includes instructing solicitors and organising structural surveys if necessary. We also finalise finance if you’re buying with a Spanish mortage. We oversee every aspect of your purchase and advise you on those that need your attention.
Once you have bought your new home, Realista continues to offer help and advice.
Final Steps to the Purchase
Our ultimate aim is to ensure that your purchase proceeds with the minimum inconvenience to yourself. At this stage of proceedings, we make sure that all the parties involved in the purchase are communicating effectively. This greatly reduces the chances of the purchase falling through and makes it easier to complete the purchase within your desired schedule. We proactively monitor the purchase proceedings and any obstacles in the way and provide you with ongoing updates. We are in constant contact with all parties: the vendor or agent, solicitors, surveyor and financial adviser or banker at every step of the process.
Delivery and Key Handover
Realista’s help continues far beyond the actual purchase. If on the day of the purchase itself you cannot be present in person, our services include collecting the keys to your new home on your behalf. We can arrange to deliver them to you at a date and time that suits you best.
Utility Contracts and Local Taxes
When you become the owner of a new property in Spain you need to transfer the utility contracts (e.g. electricity, water and gas) into your name. You should also set up payments by direct debit from your bank account in Spain. In addition, you need to notify the local council that you are the new owner of the property and arrange payment of local taxes, such as (IBI) and rubbish tax via your bank account. If you wish, Realista can take care of all this paperwork on your behalf and set up direct debit payments for such payments.
Property Renovation
You will probably be planning some sort of decoration, renovation and/or refurbishment for your new home. At Realista, we can advise you and offer recommendations any needed work. Our recommendations extend also to architectural services and interior design expertise. We can provide assistance on planning issues and building licences if your planned work requires permission from the local council. Note that we provide these services in addition to our property search and they may involve a separate agreement.
If you need advice on moving to Spain or recommendations for removal firms, please get in touch.