Celebrating a Sparkling Spanish New Year in Marbella

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    A New Year’s Eve Party With Grapes & Underwear

    A new year’s eve break in Marbella is something everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime. It’s got all the charm of a traditional Spanish new year’s eve celebration, but with the irresistible bonus of glamorous new year’s eve parties that last all night long. Want to start your new year in Marbella next year? Here’s what you can expect:

    SpaChocolate con churros - new years eve in marbellain’s new year’s eve traditions

    New year’s eve in Spain is all about luck, or so the traditions would suggest. After you’ve had a nice dinner with your family, you head out to the main square of your town or city to watch the countdown on the main clock. In your hand, you’ll have 12 lucky white grapes at the ready. If you managed to pop one in your mouth on exactly each chime of the clock AND have the whole bunch swallowed by the time it’s finished, then congratulations! A prosperous year awaits you. To throw you off, there’s four double chimes before the official 12 begin… So count well. And oh yes, if you want to be extra lucky, wear red undergarments. Socks, tights, bra’s or boxer shorts, it’s all allowed. But they have to be new. Or given to you by someone else. Otherwise, no luck!

    Starting the New Year in Marbella

    Celebrating New Year’s Eve, or Nochevieja, in Marbella is an extra festive occasion. Be prepared for a new year’s eve party that lasts all night as everywhere in town restaurants, hotels and clubs throw elaborate dinners and parties to celebrate the new year. It’s wise to book a table or ticket in advance, because these new year’s eve parties are hugely popular. Stylish celebrations like the New Year’s Eve Gala at the famous Puente Romano hotel attract visitors from all over the world. Other well-known clubs and restaurants take reservations too, and even the smallest businesses will be chock-full. Everyone will be out and about to wish each other a happy new year, or Feliz Año Nuevo, and to party until morning. After this night of celebrations, be sure to have chocolate con churros: melted chocolate with fried pastry. Believe it or not, it’s the perfect traditional new year’s day breakfast!

    A home away from home

    Celebrating New Year’s Eve in Marbella is done best from the comfort of your own luxury holiday home. After a long night of celebrations, you can return home where your own comfortable bed awaits you and nobody will bother you. Curious what kind of luxury holiday apartments and villas are currently available? Why not have a browse through our luxury properties for sale in Marbella – maybe you will enjoy a lucky new year’s eve break in Marbella every year!

    All images via Wikipedia